Tired of your website? Sell it and Earn Money with Flippa!

  • Category : General
  • Posted on : Jun 06, 2012
  • Views : 1,670
  • By : Odalis J.
Everyone knows that you can earn money by selling advertisements on websites etc. right? But have you ever thought about whether you can sell an entire website? Well, yes you can! A website (or blog) is, after all, a business. And like any other business, it can be bought and sold as well for a profit!

For any business transactions, you need a marketplace to buy and sell items. Flippa is just such a marketplace. It is a Website and Domain flipping website (hence the name ‘Flippa”). In simple terms, you can buy or sell a website on this platform. Recently, flipping websites has become quite a lucrative business. You can buy a website, renovate it and sell it for a profit. Alternatively, you can sell your unwanted sites to earn some extra bucks.

Why would I want to sell my website?

 indeed? Well, there might be many reasons. Some people just get fed up writing articles daily or maintaining their sites. Although we advise anyone not to do this, since any kind of business needs hard work to get properly established. Giving up is not a solution. But if people are intent, then there’s nothing to be done about it. Such people should not just ‘abandon’ their sites. Better to sell off the fruit while it's ripe, rather than to leave it to rot! And rotting here means losing traffic day by day.
There may be other personal or professional reasons for quitting a blog. For example, someone with a 9 to 5 job may find it very difficult to keep up with the daily maintenance of their site/blog. Time is an issue with most other people. Hence a lot of people quit blogging. Our advise to them is, make use of the hard work that you did! Sell your website for some money!
Generally, people are interested in buying websites that generate a revenue, or have a decent amount of quality content, or even a good traffic. You can’t just ‘create a blog and sell it’. Hard work and time must go into it if you want to earn a decent amount of money.

Setting up

This is a fairly simple process. First, you sign up using a valid email account. Next, fill out your information and upload a picture. This step is more important than you might think. Online profiles depict your personality. And your images (profile pictures) are your ambassadors to the online world! So use professional-looking images. That way, it will have a good impression on your buyers (or sellers) and hence you will increase your chances of getting potential buyers.
Next, list your domain or website that you want to sell. Now is the time for the description. It should be short, concise and to the point. Remember to include information about yourselfyour websitefeatures, and what the buyer will get.

Things to remember…

Try to increase traffic and revenue – Before selling your website, try to squeeze maximum revenue and traffic from it. It’s all about traffic and revenue for the buyers. So concentrate on those areas first. 
Provide traffic statistics – Buyers always want to verify whether a transaction will be worth their while. Hence you should provide statistics from more than 3 different angles; page-views, traffic sources, unique visitors etc. It’s a good idea to sign up with Google Analytics well before you want to sell your site (although not necessary). That way, buyers can get all the information they are looking for.
Don’t be a fake - The buyer will ultimately learn of any deceptions. So make none. Don’t show inflated statistics that don’t match up with earnings etc.
Choose a reasonable BIN price – This is a very important marketing step. Set a reasonable BIN (Buy It Now) price. A large price won’t attract bidders. A low BIN would not be profitable. So choose a reasonable price. Bidders can then come and bid more than the set price.
Interact – Last, but not the least, interact with your potential buyers. Talk to them and provide information about your website. It’s all about detail. The more you give, the higher the bidding will go!
You can also turn this into a real-time business. Buy small websites, renovate them, drive some traffic and then sell them for a profit! It’s just like buying a house, re-furnishing it, and selling it again. That way, you get extra profit, which may get your success story started!

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