Tips increasing alexa rank

  • Category : SEO
  • Posted on : May 17, 2011
  • Views : 1,601
  • By : Radcliff S.
Alexa Rank is a ranking based on number of visits to a website or blog, then of course the more visitors your website or blog, Alexa Rank will get better. In more detail what is the Alexa Rank has been frequently discussed by the Web master, and posts like that are very much scattered in the master’s blog. So this post is probably a little bit stale or expired time, let alone to the master. So what is a post about How To Increase Alexa Rank? join to add just writing about Alexa Rank, because there is a new post that is Alexa Rank. With more and more to write about Alexa Alexa Rank hopefully this blog becomes increasingly slim.
How to Increase Alexa Rank (based on personal experience):
  1. Increase the amount of traffic or daily visits (Daily Traffic) to blog, because it can be said is actually the core of the increase Alexa Rank is to increase the amount of traffic or visits to a website or blog, is consistent with existing data on our blog site info on the website Alexa. I think the most important assessment is the traffic, to how to increase your blog traffic can be seen on how to increase blog traffic.
  2. Increase Daily Reach or visit globally, meaning that traffic or the number of visitors will be better in the eyes of Alexa if derived from IP of visitors who come from various countries. The way you have to frequently visit and commented on the blog active abroad or in the forums or the International community, for example, can take advantage of blogcatalog, mybloglog, StumbleUpon, Digg etc.
  3. Daily Increase pageview, Bounce and Time on Site, way is by adding a link postings are related to each other either in content or postings or below the post or referred Related Post or Related Posts. In this way it would be an opportunity for visitors to further explore the entire contents of the blog and find more information. This method is effective to increase the Page View. Link internally to Potingan the blog will also help improve your blog ranking and will also help increase the traffic, because if people come to your blog has no choice but to be seen then they will go. When you create links to other posts that visitors will find many options to open another post so that they will be long in your blog (increase Time on Site). Another way to improve the Time on Site is by setting commentators link when clicked will open in a tab or a new page so that your blog is still open (add Time On Site).
  4. Increase the amount of traffic or traffic originating from an Internet Search Engine (The percentage of visits to the blog That Came from a search engine). Increasing the number of visits from search engines can also be done by the owner of the blog is by typing in keywords or postings that are popular in your own blog posts that have particularly high SERP syuku grateful that there is on page one SERP search engine results (High Impact Search Queries). Use a different IP per day could use a desktop browser, Opera Mini, mobile default browser, Firefox Mobile, Mobile, etc. For Bolt. Do not use tools like alexa booster-tools, traffic generators and so forth. If a high Alexa was useless, if made for PPC blog clearly can not exist because your visitors simply click robots coming from the engine-generator engine traffic.
  5. Install the Alexa toolbar in Internet browser which we use and also put Alexa widget on the blog. By installing the Alexa Toolbar and Alexa Widget will provide more accurate traffic data.
  6. Setting your Web or Blog a Home Page on a regular Internet browser you use.
  7. Make the writing or posting about Alexa, by making posts about Alexa, then the loyal visitors to your blog will be interested in using the Alexa tool, is certainly beneficial for the incoming data to Alexa also will be more smoothly.
  8. Diligent Blog update or create new posts and try to be consistent. Visitors and search engines will be less likely to visit blogs that are always up to date and consistent or continuous. If you can not post every day so 2 days or once a week, but consistently, better than on a post every day for one week but after it left the blog without updates. If the blog is updated usually rare visitor traffic tends to fall mainly to the new blog is the number of traffic has not been quite stable.
  9. Ask friends to review and rate the profiles of your blog on Alexa. For that on this occasion I offer cooperation to the guys all (if desired) for each review and rate the profiles of our blog in Alexa, gratitude-gratitude of giving a 5 star…. (* sincerely hope *). The trick just click the banner below, following the review page please Login first to use the account can also use Alexa or Facebook account. After you review our blog, then I will also review your blog.

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