Ansible Vault

Ansible Vault can encrypt anything inside of a YAML file, using a password of your choice which secures your sensible data such as passwords or keys. Ansible vault is mainly used for encrypting variable files and it can encrypt any YAML file.

Most common files to encrypt are:

  • A role’s defaults/main.yml file
  • A role’s vars/main.yml file
  • Files within the group_vars directory
  • Any other file used to store variables.

Creating Encrypted Files.

To create a new encrypted data file using ansible,

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault create sample.yml
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
[root@ansible vault]#

The ansible-vault command will ask you for a new password twice.

Encrypted files look like below code,

[root@ansible vault]# cat sample.yml
[root@ansible vault]#

Encrypting an Existing File.

Using ansible-vault, we can ecrypt an existing file.

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault encrypt test.yml
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
Encryption successful
[root@ansible vault]#

Editing an encrypted file.

Once you have encrypted a file then the only way to edit the same file is by using code,

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault edit test.yml 
Vault password: 
[root@ansible vault]# 

Decrypting a File

You can decrypt an encrypted file for getting back the plain text format as well:

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault decrypt test.yml 
Vault password: 
Decryption successful
[root@ansible vault]# 

Encrypting Variables specifically.

Opening an encrypted file will change the encrypted hash. Since you dont have to encrypt a whole file.openticket

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault encrypt_string 'sample plaintext string' --name 'new_string'
New Vault password: 
Confirm New Vault password: 
new_string: !vault |
Encryption successful
[root@ansible vault]#

You can paste the output or append into an existing YAML file for use this string

Running Ansible with Encrypted Variables.

At the time when your playbooks reference encrypted variables, then you may need to specify to Ansible the password.

[root@ansible vault]# ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i inventory_file test.yml 
Vault password: 

–ask-vault-pass will instruct Ansible to ask vault password .

Also you can do store vault password on file and instruct to Ansible via code

[root@ansible vault]# cat > vault_password
Save and exit
Then run the below command,
[root@ansible vault]# ansible-vault --vault-password-file=vault_password test.yml

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