Best 7 Top Reasons You Must Have A Web Site.

  • Category : Marketing
  • Posted on : Mar 14, 2016
  • Views : 1,592
  • By : Icarus M.

Having a website has become a true necessity these days. And there are various reasons why you must have a website.

A. PERSONAL WEBSITE Having a website of your own equals entering into an invaluable communication environment. There are at least 7 reasons why it is substantially advisable for you to be present online:

1. Represents your personal profile A website can be your virtual portrait, showing off your personal self to the world on a 24/7 basis. Among the most popular ways of presenting your personality online is keeping a webblog (otherwise known as online diary) or a photo gallery, where your contacts can stay up-to-date with your daily living.

2. Spreads your voice across the world A website can be your worldwide “tribune” where you are able to share your knowledge, experience and enthusiasm with those who have common interests, but with whom you might not otherwise have crossed paths. A very popular idea-voicing tool is the discussion board, better known as “forum”. You can also have a guestbook on your site, where people can discuss your postings.

3. Lets you be in touch with people at a distance A website can be a meeting place for making new contacts[spin] with people of different religion, nationality and age, as well as for keeping in touch with friends who may be on the other side of the [spin]world. Thanks to the almost unlimited online communication possibilities you can conduct one-to-one conversations with many different people directly from your website.

4. Broadens disabled people’s interaction with the world A website empowers people with limited access, due to handicap or illness, to broaden their communication with others. A website can be a physically disabled person’s door to the dynamic world, allowing him/her to bridge over the difficulties of having a “different” everyday life. It can even be their office, where they can present and deliver certain home-made products/services directly from their living room.

5. Creates a web skill development environment A website can introduce you to the secrets of www. The contemporary web design technologies have brought the art of creating a website just a few clicks away from the inexperienced user. Thanks to the popular WYSWYG (what you see is what you get) web design tools, absolutely everyone (irrespective of age or education degree) can make their own web page without any prior experience.

6. Makes extra income for you with minimum investment on your part A website can make residual profit for you, while you are sleeping or enjoying your free time. Thanks to the up-to-date systems for bringing traffic to your website, you can make easy cash by simply having visitors click on certain product/service promos or links that are relevant to your site content pages (e.g. Google Adsense/Adwords ad solutions) without any initial investment.

7. Makes you a member of the biggest community of the world A website is a must-have personal attribute these days, just like cell phones and computers are. The fast developing technologies have converted having a website from a whim into a modern necessity. As of today, almost everyone has a web site, whereas twice as many people are expected to be having their own personal space in the global World Wide Web cosmos in the near future. Be forward-thinking, join this trend now.

B. BUSINESS WEBSITE Having a website of your own provides your business with invaluable advantages over the conventional advertising channels. There are at least 7 reasons why you should present your business online:

1. Increased customers’ convenience: Searching for businesses and products over the Internet is much easier and faster than leafing through the Yellow Pages. Anytime a potential or existing customer needs to observe more about your business, they can easily do that, especially if you have an “F&Q” section added. Your customers can be always in touch with you, all they need to know is the address of your website.

2. Greater accessibility to your business profile: Your business profile will be accessible from EVERYWHERE. No other ad channel provides such worldwide coverage. You will not depend any more on restricted presentations based on phone book entries. What is more essential, more and more customers nowadays resort to the Internet when searching for products, services and businesses.

3. Greater opportunities for promoting your business portfolio: People can’t buy your products or services if they don’t know that they actually exist. Through a WEBSITE you can tell your potential audience much more than you could possibly do via any print advertisements, Yellow Pages listings, or TV/radio commercials. There are no limitations with regard to space and time, nationality and residency. You can say as many things as you want, to as many people as wish. And your business representation can be as resourceful as is the Internet.

4. Low-cost efficient advertising: Basically, what happens is – your website runs a NON-STOP PROMOTION of your business! Your clients are always able to obtain up-to-date and thorough information about your services or products. Instead of having to rely on randomly aired TV or radio commercials, they can easily browse through your website whenever they have time or need to.

5. Around-the-clock accessibility: A website is accessible 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. It will be your hardest-working employee, never getting sick, or taking holiday. And you can always rest assured that your website is there for you – to answer to your customers’ questions, or to collect their feedback instead of you.

6. It saves time: With a website, potential customers can learn about you and your business at any time of the day or night without you having to be all the time pre-occupied with the process. The time you would otherwise spend on answering or re-directing of your customers’ questions can be now saved and invested in further activities to increase your earnings, in other words – in further expansion of your business.

7. It saves money: You can save a lot of money spent otherwise on print and postage costs for brochures, coupons, flyers, specials, newsletters, and other mailings. Furthermore, while regular renewals of printed materials can be quite expensive and also time-consuming, updating information on your website is always handy, fast and most important - amazingly efficient. As we all know, nothing is more valued in a business than optimal productivity for minimal input expenses.

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